
The Use of Solar Energy in Hefei Grand Theatre (2)

Probably not all buildings could benefit from the solar systems installed like Hefei Grand Theatre, which is discussed in the previous blog.
Initially, solar energy is said to be mostly abundant in tropical and sub-tropical regions, which is located between 50 degree south and north to equator. With latitude of 31 degree, the city of Hefei could fortunately gain abundant solar energy, which could be harnessed to meet the requirement of building. On contrary, it should be quite difficult for areas closer to the poles to receive sufficient and regular solar energy, like Scandinavia and Russia.
Moreover, the usual efficiency of solar system itself might not as efficient as expected. The three main types of solar panels frequently specified for use on building currently are Monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon and building integrated photovoltaics. Nevertheless, those panels are actually with very low efficiency. As is mentioned in recent researches, the maximum proportion of solar energy that could be transformed into electrical energy by such a panel is 22%. This could merely be achieved by monocrystalline silicon, which is of high cost and mainly applied on roofs. The other two solar panels could be a little bit cheaper, but their efficiency is even considerably low, around 10% to 12%. In consequence, solar systems could not be used as a sole source of energy. Other auxiliary tools, such as fossil fuels, have to assistant in some cases.
Monocrystalline silicon

polycrystalline silicon


It is still fortunate that Hefei Grand Theatre usually holds events in the evening. That is to say, most of the solar energy absorbed by its solar system is only applied at night. However, the amount of energy required by buildings with other functions might be double or more.
Last but not least, one of the most crucial obstacles for the spread of solar system is the cost, especially the cost of installation. Wherever the system is installed, at home or in solar farm, the capital costs are high. Furthermore, the installation of solar panels may cause large upfront fees. It requires clients effectively agree to pay, in advance, for the next few decades’ worth of power. That could be why even Suntech Power Holdings, once the world’s biggest solar panel maker, is having a hard time.
The Chinese government is offering considerable subsidies to encourage the construction of green architecture, but the subsidies are nothing new to the world. For instance, in 2012, the UK economy tripled its investment subsidies in green energy stating that spending on renewable energy generation will rise to 7.5 billion UKP per year until 2020.
In the future, the solar energy as a so-called “clean-energy” source should be undoubtedly encouraged in architectural practice, but it might not be applicable or desirable everywhere. It’s luck for Hefei Grand Theatre to be an example of when and where solar power could work.

 Reference: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, ISE, 2016, Photovoltaics Report


The Use of Solar Energy in Heifei Grand Theatre(1)

Recently, the ‘Two Sessions’ of the National People’s Congress, which is a significant national conference in China, was held in Beijing. In the ‘Two Sessions’, government should report their work and goals. In the field of architecture, ‘Green Architecture” was again pronounced to be a central issue in the following years. This reminds me of the ‘Two Sessions’ in 2013, where mandated topics like “sustainable construction”, “eco-footprint” and “clean energy” were discussed.
However, how is the conduction of those ‘green’ proposals?
In Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, the 57,000m2 Hefei Grand Theatre has attracted considerable attention from the public as one of the pioneers of green architecture.

Located near the Swan Lake on Huaining Road, the theatre is with massive curved roof, which is likened to waves in the original design concept. This typically literal approach to design is quite normal, but the attractive thing is the solar energy system inside the roof structure.
With the purpose of meeting energy-saving standard, solar panels with an area of 1352m2 have been equipped to absorb solar energy. The energy received will be transferred into electricity and help maintain the temperature all year round. Consequently, a large deal of cost will be save. Some data showed as follow could somehow demonstrate the advantages.
The solar panel system with a design life of 30 years could generate 120,000 KWH of energy annually. At the same time, a total of 3425 tons of CO2 is said to be reduced every year, and the amount of SO2 produced could be 11.1 tons less than before.

Simply in accordance with the data, the solar system of Hefei Grand Theatre should be considered as a success in China. The automatic system could not only save the cost of labour, but also become a model of much-vaunted green architecture.

However, could all buildings benefit from solar energy system nowadays? Maybe not. It is quite doubtful whether the policy of green architecture could be widespread, especially when we consider the various functions and locations of buildings; with varying degrees of servicing required and the fluctuating availability of sunlight. More detailed discussion will be showed in the next blog.

Reference: http://news.frbiz.com/hefei_theater_grid_solar_pv-237104.html


Vernacular Green House: the Plus House

The Plus House Larvik was announced to be the winner of WAN Sustainable Building 2015 Award. This building is appreciated much by its optimizing architectural qualities and technological solution, but the most attractive point, to me, is idea that using products and technology available in the market today to show the future standard of building.

In the design, architects aim to demonstrate technical solutions, which could both maintain environment and enhance comfort for potential residents. The house has a ramp roof on the southern side, equipped with solar panels and collectors. Together with geothermal energy from energy wells on the ground, these elements could supply the house with sufficient energy in daily life annually, in addition to generate enough energy surpluses to power an e-car all year round.

Views, daylight, as well as connections with outdoor landscape in the house are reconciled with the need of sealed windows and walls. Glass surfaces, house forms and orientation are placed to solve heating and cooling passively. The selection of materials is accordance with their thermal characteristics, but vernacular materials with ability to contribute good indoor climate, spatial quality and aesthetics. For example, the vernacular materials in Norway, firewood and bricks, are applied to create a homely cozy house and outdoor atrium. They also provide residents with a feeling of living in the world’s most advanced family house.

Nevertheless, the “advanced family house” is not only achieved as a feeling, but a real experience as well. The swimming pool and shower in the garden utilize solar-generated thermal heat surplus. Moreover, the use of renewable energy production generated by solar panels and photovoltaic integrated n the envelope gives possibilities of offsetting the carbon emission caused by burning fossil fuels in power station. The building is requested to verify a minimum of 100% Carbon Dioxide offsetting annually to gain the ZEB-OM classification.

The success of this environmental project is achieved from the combination of new technologies, intelligent placement, vernacular materials and local energy sources in a way, which could not only facilitate optimal use of energy resources, but also reduce the carbon emission caused by transportation. In the contrast, those projects blindly utilizing advanced technologies, fancy materials and pursuing sustainability pro foma should really be questioned, such as the construction of vertical gardens, green roof and green walls. This topic will be discussed in later blogs, and the case of One Central Park building in Sydney will be analyzed.

Reference: http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/snohetta-wins-sustainable-building-wan-award-plus-house-larvik.html


Sustainability becomes the mainstream?

After the publication of Agenda21 by the United Nations, sustainability becomes a crucial topic in the 21th century among nations. It plays a role of everything from legislations to the way you manage your daily waste. At the end of 2015, a new version of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is announced to set targets and indicators for UN member states over the coming 15 years.

Many governments and non-governmental organizations follow the UN’s steps. In the specific field of architecture, for example, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) wisely adopt the “2030 Challenge”, which seeks for carbon neutrality in the industry, to encourage practitioners to create a sustainable future for the planet.

Nevertheless, in recent years, the AIA announces to remove sustainable design from members' annual continuing education requirements. The reason given is that sustainable design practices are realized as a mainstream design intention in the architectural community.

Building usually occupies high percentage of the energy consumption. For instance, in the US, buildings account for half of the energy and three quarters of the electricity consumption. It could be really benefit for the environment, if most architectural design could take sustainability into consideration. On the contrary, “sustainable design” is now still a “myth” to a considerable number of architects. In the reality, only 2% of AIA member firms have signed to the “2030 Commitment”, and less than 1% are actually reporting on their progress. So much for the mainstream. Why’s that?

After discussing with my friends, we found education might be one cause. In universities, many compulsory or elective curriculums relevant to sustainability are open to students. Nevertheless, in many design studios, tutors still concentrated on volume, form, location, orientation and spatial experience. Very few requirements of sustainability are mentioned in the brief. There seems a gap between “good design” and “green design”. Moreover, when talking about innovation and creative design, parametric structures or fancy materials could be the first two things to show on website. Like Fran Gehry said, green building standard might only be a ‘bogus’.

Another cause could be related to clients. At this stage, some newly developed technology should be applied in sustainable projects, which means the cost might be more or less higher than normal projects. However, one of the most important things for clients is money. Although sustainable design could be financially efficient in the long term, it is still hard to forecast when the buildings could get profit. Furthermore, clients usually care only about whether the architects meet all their requirements. Other factors, such as energy consumptions, electricity and ventilation are less important.

In this case, the removal of sustainable education announced by AIA is quite critical. Sustainable design is still far away from mainstream in industry. To enhance the consideration of sustainability, there is still a long way to go.

Reference: http://www.aia.org/practicing/2030Commitment/